The Commūnicāre Learning Team has a number of presentations and publications in various formats. View the sections below to find publication links and references. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you can't find what you are looking for.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Through Telepractice
Nerissa Hall
Jenifer Juengling-Sudkamp
Michelle L. Gutmann
Ellen R. Cohn
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-145-2
Select References
Anderson, K., Boisvert, M. K., Doneski-Nicol, J., Gutmann, M. L., Hall, N. C., Morelock, C., . . . Cohn, E. R. (2012). Tele-AAC Resolution. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 4(2), 79–82.
Boisvert, M., Hall, N., Andrianopoulos, M., & Chaclas, J. (2012). The multi-faceted implementation of telepractice to service individuals with autism. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 4(2), 11–24.
Hall, N. (2017). That Special Niche. The ASHA Leader, 22(3), 38-39. doi: 10.1044/leader.IPP.22032017.38.
Hall, N. & Boisvert, M. (2014, January). Clinical aspects related to tele-AAC: A technical report. Perspectives of Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 23, 18-33. doi:10.1044/aac23.1.18
Hall, N., Boisvert, M., & Steele, R. (2013). Telepractice in the assessment and treatment of individuals with aphasia: A systematic review. International Journal of Telerehabilitation, 5(1), 27–38.
Hall, N. C. (2013). An investigation of the efficacy of direct and indirect AAC service provision via telepractice. Doctoral Dissertations Available from Proquest. Paper AAI3589032.
Hall, N. & Johnson, H. (2014). How We Do It: Tele-AAC. PrAACtical AAC.
Larivee, J. (2012). The Adjustable J-Mount [hardware].