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Introduction to Tele-AAC

Course Type: Self-guided, online course

Course Schedule: On demand

Course Level: Introductory (see Course Description for more information)

Course Cost: $20.00

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Course Description

This course introduces tele-AAC and distinguishes it from the broader field of telepractice.


It offers an overview of direct and indirect tele-AAC services that can be provided in real time or over time (synchronous and asynchronous services).


Video examples of direct and indirect synchronous services are offered to help better explain tele-AAC. 

Course Agenda

Module 1: Tele-AAC Defined

Module 2: Direct and Indirect Services via Tele-AAC

Module 3: Additional Considerations


Instructional Personnel: 

Financial Disclosure: Nerissa Hall is a co-founder of Communicare, LLC, and is paid to provide assessment, intervention, consultation and training services through her company. Additionally, Nerissa is co-editor and contributing author for Tele-AAC: Augmentative and Alternative Communication through Telepractice and receives royalty payments from Plural Publishing, Inc. 

Nonfinancial Disclosure: Nerissa Hall is a member of ASHA's SIGs 12 and 18 and receives no compensation as a member of either special interest group. She is also a member of RESNA and receives no compensation as a member. 

Course Content: Financial and non financial disclosures not applicable. This course makes mention of a number of commercially available AAC/AT tools/systems; however, neither the presenters nor the companies receive any financial compensation from those mentioned.

Cancellation Policy: Commūnicāre, LLC reserves the right to cancel a class based on low registration. If a class is cancelled, participants will be notified and can either transfer their registration to another class or request a refund. 


Refund Policy: Refunds will not be issued if a participant is unable to attend a class. However, registration may be transferred to another class, if available.

Complaint Policy: If you are not satisfied with the course you purchased, or have questions, comments or concern, please contact our Professional Development Coordinator



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